OP and Shack 2003

View inside the Radio-Shack

Enlarge IC 781 Enlarge SM 230 Station Monitor Enlarge IC R 9000 Enlarge IC 970H Enlarge Atlas 210 X Enlarge Tesla KVZ1

 IC-970HIC-781SM 230IC-R9000Atlas 210 XTESLA KVZ1,

Enlarge IC R 9000 Enlarge FT-ONE Enlarge YO 901 Enlarge FL 2277 Enlarge FC 902 Enlarge Bid Wattmeter
IC-R9000FT-ONEYO 901FL 2277FC 902,

Digital Equipment for RTTY and SSTV

Antenna, Pictures from the contruction

RIG: Shortwave


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